Too Silly for Comic Book Movies

Too Silly for the Big Screen

Some characters and concepts are simply too silly to portray with comic book accuracy on a theater screen during a blockbuster movie. Honorary mention will be given (frequently in the case of DC) for silly characters and concepts that made it into television or streaming broadcast; but those characters and concepts remain too silly for the movies, according to the rules of this list.


Various entries below are marked by their status as of the last update to this list. The humor in this list was originally supposed to be - here's the 7 silly things they didn't include for every one they did. It has evolved over time into 'Wow. They did all that at the movies. Okay. Wow.'

The Founding Avengers

Marvel kicked this whole game of too-silly-for-the-silver screen by doing a fantastic job portraying Iron Man, one of their founding Avengers, on the silver screen, in a near-perfect rendition.

Iron Man (2008) should not have worked, because Iron Man is an incredibly fun character, but kind of a lousy person. There's no comic book Iron Man story I am aware of that doesn't somehow rely on his pretty significant character flaws. But Iron Man is not too silly for the movies, his friends are.

They did excellent movies for The Hulk and Captain America around the same time. Die-hard comic fans became aware in around 2009, that now the key members of the comic book 'The Avengers' now had dedicated movies.

Captain America gets the first checkmark on this list. His silly bit is so silly, they saved it for an after-credits scene:

With Captain America, Hulk and Iron Man at the movies, two founding Avengers characters were now begging to get feature films: Thor and Namor.

And this is the heart of the problem - and the need for this list.

Thor and Namor are too silly for the big screen.

The silliness around Thor and Namor canoot be hidden after the end credits.

Besides their core premise, these core Avengers have silly friends and silly aspects that help define them:

More on Thor

It's not just Thor who is too silly for the big screen. So is about half of everyone he routinely interacts with.

The Other Avengers

So...the Avengers formula calls, critically, for lots more characters that you also cannot do in the movies.

And these characters have their own silly aspects:

Silly Villains

More Silly Heroes

Silly Moments

These characters come with their own silly moments.

Silly Plot Arcs


Superman gets his own section. He has had some fantasticly silly moments on the big screen, but if all of his 'too silly' exploits were listed here, Superman's list of silliness would dwarf all other characters combined.

Okay, maybe I'll just include a few favorites here:


Deadpool is going to need his own section. Deadpool, thanks to his brain damage, is an unreliable narrator. That means he can say things that the editors won't allow any trusted source of information to say.

For example, Deadpool can repeatedly point out that Squirrell Girl is, by any reasonable assessment of her win/loss record, the most fearsome character in the Marvel comics universe.



Twists - Possible Spoilers

Here be spoilers for the comics - and maybe for the movies.