Markdown Tips by Edward Delaporte

Generating Documents

Markdown to HTML

The usual VSCode plugins add a lot of weird junk (telemetry, perhaps), so I decided to start using brute force and minimal GoLang code to convert my Markdown into HTML.


go install
mdtohtml -h

Generate document

mdtohtml.exe -css .\ > Dashboard.html

VSCode Settings:

"": "runCommand",
"command-runner.terminal.autoClear": true,
"command-runner.terminal.autoFocus": true,
"command-runner.commands": {
    "markdown to HTML": "mdtohtml.exe -css ${file} > ${file}.html",
	"HTML to PDF": "wkhtmltopdf.exe ${file}.html ${file}.pdf",

Then Ctrl+Shift+P, Run Command and select markdown to HTML.

Markdown to PDF


Install wkhtml2pdf.exe somewhere on my path.


wkhtmltopdf.exe .\ dash.pdf

Nicer Print-outs

Prevent Code blocks from splitting in a PDF print

Usually when I have a block of text indented, I do not want that block to split across a print-out page break, when converting to PDF.

Conversion to PDF can happen when I do it on purpose, or when someone prints a webpage I built with Markdown.

For these cases, I like to inject this bit of inline HTML, directly into the Markdown document:

<!-- Avoid page breaks within code blocks -->
<style> pre { page-break-inside: avoid; } </style>

Obviously, it is readable to anyone reading the Markdown source. But for every other view (Markdown preview, HTML and PDF) it is correctly hidden.