Setup Pyxel On Ubuntu


Let's play with Pyxel a new retro game engine called Pyxel, built with Python.

Warning: If you're using a Windows or Mac computer, use the Pyxel Install Instructions, instead.


  1. Install dependencies

    sudo apt install libsdl2-dev python3-pip -y
  2. Install Pyxel

    sudo pip3 install -U pyxel
  3. Get some examples

    mkdir -p ~/src
    cd ~/src
    pyxel copy_examples


  1. Run a program!

    cd ~/src/pyxel_examples
    pyxel run ./ 
  2. Make a sprite!

    cd ~/src/pyxel_examples
    pyxel edit ./ 

    Be sure to put it in the upper left corner, (0,0)

  3. Edit a program

    cd ~/src/pyxel_examples
    codium .

    Let's replace the logo with what we just drew.

    # pyxel.images[0].load(0, 0, "assets/pyxel_logo_38x16.png")

    Tip: Notice how this was loading a bitmap into 0,0 which we drew our new drawing into in the previous step.

  4. Run in again!

    pyxel run ./ 
  5. Create a file for the website

    $ mkdir hello
    $ mv ./ ./hello/         
    $ mv ./ ./hello/         
    $ pyxel package hello ./hello/
    added 'hello/.pyxapp_startup_script'
    added 'hello/'
    pyxel app2html hello

    Now open hello.html in a browser....Like this

    Tip: It will show the Pyxel logo for several moments while it loads.